The moment when we are 'born again.' In Baptism we begin to share in the new, risen life of Jesus. We begin to discover God's love for us. We are united with Jesus and become members of his body, the Church.
A minimum of 2 months notice is required. Please contact the Parish Priest.

In the Eucharist (holy Mass) God's life in us is nourished. We receive spiritual food for the journey of life. The Lord himself is made wonderfully present and the holy Mass draws people into an intimate union with God.
Information about applications is usually given late summer. Please see the Newsletter for further information

A continuance of what began at Baptism - a developing awareness of God's loving presence in our lives. Gifts of Wisdom, Courage and Power are given to us by the Holy Spirit of God that we might become ambassadors for God in the world.
Information about applications is usually given in the autumn. Please see the Newsletter for further information

A sealing of authentic love between a man and a woman which reflects God's love for us. God strengthens and sustains people as they enter into a loving bond with God and with each other.
A minimum of 12 months notice is required. Please contact the Parish Priest.

Sometimes we are weak, blind and selfish. We need help to overcome these damaging traits which otherwise could overcome and destroy us. God offers forgiveness and healing and a peace that the world cannot give.
Information regarding applications for the First Reconciliation programme is given in the Summer. Please see Newsletter for further details and times of Reconciliation.

Anointing of the sick
When we are sick, we often feel alone and frightened. Things which seemed important often matter much less. God comes to be with us in our struggles, loving and comforting us and promising eternal life.
Please contact the Parish Priest directly. See our Contacts page for details.

The character of Jesus is given in a special way to those called by God to be Bishops, Priests, Deacons. The Priest acts in the person of Jesus by teaching and explaining, by blessing and consecrating and by leading the communities of Faith, like Jesus the Good Shepherd.
For information about the Priesthood or the Diaconate, please contact the Parish Priest.